Trainee Feature: Lisa Knisley

Lisa Knisley, RN, MN, PhD Candidate


Q: Tell us a bit about yourself! 

A: I’m a mom, wife, friend, nurse and aspiring researcher. I’ve worked as a nurse in Canada, the USA and the UK and currently live and work in Winnipeg.


I’m also the Executive Director of Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK) – a national non-profit organization that aims to improve children’s emergency care by finding faster and better ways to get the best available evidence into the hands of both healthcare providers and parents/families.


And I know way more than I should about superhero and sci-fi movies, thanks to my sons.

Q: What led you pursue a PhD in Nursing?

A: I love science and being a life-long learner. I was inspired to work with and learn from amazing scholars like Dr. Scott. I wanted to learn more about how to create safe spaces for patients, families and healthcare professionals to tell their stories, and use their experiences and feedback to find better ways to communicate and share information within our healthcare system. In other words, ways that are respectful, meaningful, compassionate, and useful. 



Q: Tell us a bit about your research! 

A: This project came about from a need identified by the Manitoba Métis Federation for Red River Métis families to have meaningful and appropriate information available when their children may need emergency care. My research will adapt an existing child health resource (e.g., interactive infographic or video) based on the experiences, needs and preferences of Red River Métis parents in Manitoba. Right now, I’m completing a scoping review which looks at all the literature available on the experiences of Indigenous families looking for child health information to care for a sick or injured child. I am also interviewing Métis parents in Manitoba who have generously given their time to share what child health topics they might like more information about and how they would like to get this information. 



Q: What impact do you hope this project will have?

A: I hope the research findings will help us to have a better understanding of the experiences Red River Métis families face when their children are sick and how to provide meaningful, useful, and easily accessible information to guide care. I also hope that having a better understanding of the barriers that prevent parents from getting the information they need can help to expose and challenge existing colonial processes that are perpetuating inequitable care. I hope this study is the beginning of creating a series of child resources with Red River Métis peoples in Manitoba. I would love to build a research program that focuses on ways to improve communication and information-sharing within children’s emergency health care, and ultimately patient and families’ experiences and health outcomes.


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Physical treatments can include physiotherapy, prescribed exercise plans, strengthening exercises, massage, and more. 

Psychological treatments can include counselling or talk therapy, supportive therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, mediation, and more. They can be provided on a one-on-one basis or in a group setting.