TREKK Needs Assessment Technical Report

The Healthcare Consumer Needs Assessment survey was developed between October 2011 to July 2012 under the Needs Assessment phase (phase one) of the Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK) project. The Needs Assessment team was led by Dr. Shannon Scott, an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta; Dr. Lisa Given, a Professor of Information Studies at Charles Sturt University in Australia was a co-investigator. Lauren Albrecht, Project Coordinator in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta, was the coordinator of the Needs Assessment.
The purpose of the Needs Assessment phase of TREKK was to determine the knowledge needs of health care providers working in general EDs, and the families seeking care within these facilities. Through an established partnership with 32 general EDs across Canada (representing 9 provinces and 1 territory), TREKK worked with staff, administrators and consumers to understand the existing knowledge gaps, needs and priorities in pediatric emergency medicine.