Parents Needed for Cultural Adaptation Study

Parents: We would love to learn from you! 

You are invited to participate in a 50-60 minute conversation if you are a newcomer parent who has a child that has experienced fever(s). If you are a parent who is a:


  • Newcomer from the Philippines, India, China, Nigeria or Syria living in Canada
  • Has a child under the age of 18 that has experienced fever(s)

You are invited to share your experiences and information needs, and view two tools on fever management for children. A $10 CAD e-gift card will be provided as an honorarium for your participation in the study.



To volunteer for this study or to request further information please contact:
Elizabeth Cernigoy, PhD(c), MScN, RN




The ECHO research program is focused on improving health outcomes for children with acute health conditions through the application of the best available evidence — a process known as knowledge translation (KT).

ECHO circles


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Physical treatments can include physiotherapy, prescribed exercise plans, strengthening exercises, massage, and more. 

Psychological treatments can include counselling or talk therapy, supportive therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, mediation, and more. They can be provided on a one-on-one basis or in a group setting.